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  1. Investor’s Advice and Background:
    • The interviewee, a $15 billion investor, shares life advice based on personal experiences.
    • He emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes, citing a personal history of losing money on five of his first eight deals.
    • The investor highlights the need for patience in career pursuits, suggesting a 10-year timeline for success.
  2. Habits and Success:
    • Success, according to the investor, is a result of consistent, small habits rather than grand, sweeping moves.
    • He stresses the significance of daily routines such as regular exercise, quality sleep, goal-setting, and persistence in achieving success.
  3. Entrepreneurial Journey:
    • Drawing from personal experience, the investor advises against following the crowd and encourages finding unique paths.
    • He shares his own entrepreneurial journey, involving buying and improving businesses, emphasizing the importance of differentiation.
  4. Mindset and Belief:
    • The interviewee reflects on a personal setback in wrestling during junior year, highlighting the importance of persisting through failures.
    • He warns against the expectation of quick success, urging individuals to focus on the daily tasks and build self-belief over time.
  5. Enjoying the Journey and Goal Setting:
    • The investor shares insights on enjoying life’s journey, suggesting that the joy comes from immersing oneself in tasks and experiences.
    • Goal-setting is discussed as a powerful tool, with a recommendation to write goals in the present tense for a more impactful mindset shift.