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  1. Existential overwhelm : You start to think that there are n number of things i could be doing so what I am doing now is it good enough ? is it attractive looking ? does it have any meaning ? you start to think this is worthless and i am not gonna do it in long term so why bother putting in efforts now. This thought keeps you from putting those efforts in.
  2. Temporal discounting : (delayed gratification) As the time of getting the reward gets delayed you get more prone to not do that stuff. We all want things quicker and faster, don’t let this illusion keep you from working hard for the thing you love
  3. Sunken cost fallacy : Say you are learning this one skill for a month and now you are losing interest in it. Your friends say ki hey try this skill2 which is better and more appealing. But because you have already been learning this skill1 for a month you don’t switch to skill2 because then you have to start all over. So neither you are leaving that skill1 nor you are investing time in a better skill
  4. Analysis Paralysis : Too much information, too much resources etc makes it hard to make a firm decision and you end up wasting a lot of time before giving up finally on it.
  5. Cognitive load theory : At any time there is a limited thing you can carry in your brain.