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1.Thinking that wealth is a zero sum game

(Change your mindset, its a positive sum game) All of wealth you see in society today was created by us at some point. You don’t have to make someone poor in order to be rich. Steve Jobs did not make Americans poorer when he launched Apple product. Everyone can be rich. You have to really desperately want it (the wealth, the game and the gain)

2. Status is a hierarchical game

In order for you to be at place 1 someone has to go down. It is zero sum. Status is a better predictor of survival than wealth. Politics, Game, etc are all status based. Avoid these games (focus on creating wealth)

3. Materialistic Signaling

People who live far below their means enjoy a freedom that people busy upgrading their lifestyles can’t fathom. Overcome material trap

”Three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary” - Nassim Taleb

4. Escape 9-5.

Input and output are not connected in most of the jobs right now in current landscape. Customers only care about outputs.

5. Believing in shortcuts

Put your 10,000 hours in a skill and see yourself become an expert in that. Choose a niche and just keep doing it until you become the best and see it pay off marvelously.

6. Stop learning after school/college.

If your lifestyle keeps upgrading so should your knowledge base, skillset and attitude. Don’t kill yourself young. Nothing should scare you in learning. Become a learning machine.

”Many people die at 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.” - Benjamin Franklin