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1. Creating value

A business creates X dollars of value and capture Y% of X. (both x and y are independent) To capture value you need to capture X and Y both

2. Perfect competition


  • easy to model
  • efficient in a static world
  • politically stable


  • psychologically unhealthy
  • irrelevant in a dynamic world
  • preempts question of value

3. Monopoly


  • incentive to innovate
  • stable, long term planning
  • deeper project financing
  • symptomatic of creation Cons
  • lower output, higher prices
  • price discrimination
  • stifle innovation

4. Lies of people

People in monopoly pretend not to (so that they dont get regulated by the government) We are in a huge market

People in perfect competition pretend they are doing something unique. Make yourself look less competitive We are in a narrow market

5. How to establish a monopoly

Start small and monopolize (easier to dominate a smaller market than a large one)

6. Last mover advantage

proprietary technology network effects economies of scale branding